Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Installing and Running Tomcat

  1. go to and go to the download page of the version 4.1.36
  2. download the Binary distribution (Full distributions for JDK 1.2 or later) zip file
  3. unzip to c:\jakarta-tomacat-4.1.31
  4. set environmental path with variable "JAVA_HOME" and value "the java sdk path"

run "startup" to run tomcat
run "shutdown" to close tomcat

reference installation note:

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

autorun.inf 病毒解決方法

這是我在網路上找到的方法來殺除kavo.exe 病毒 也是清除autorun.inf的辦法

將kavo.exe病毒完整消滅?簡單又快速的方法 Kavo_killer 3.1 by 張書維

程式下載位置 (放置自已的googlepage空間)版本是3.1 2008/01/02 更新的唷